The play button must be pressed on the video to connect to the live stream.
If a broadcast is not active, then either a "Video Unavailable" message will appear or a recording of the last broadcast that took place will be available until it is reset.
During a broadcast, please be aware that there may be a video delay from 7 - 10 seconds compared to the actual live broadcasted content.
Troubleshooting: If an error occurs and the video disconnects, please wait a minute or two and then refresh the browser page to try to reconnecting again.
When using the chat for the first time during a session, a pop-up box will ask what method to sign in with. Please select the Log In option: "With a Temporary Name." Enter your name and press Go.
This option allows you to use the chat without signing up for any account but will also allow us to communicate much more easily during a session.
Messages or questions in chat will be shared by the moderator to the meeting leadership or presenter. Timing of the shared messages will be based on the current agenda topic at that time during the meeting. ​
Messages in the chat room will remain for a time after the streaming session completes for any references that may be needed.
Each of the sessions' messages will be headed by a welcome message and session title by the chat admin to help distinguish which session the messages are referencing.