To the Friends of the Sisters of Mercy, the sisters are planning a second Spring work day and are again inviting you to join them to keep their land beautiful! Their next work day is scheduled for: SATURDAY, May 11th from 9:30am - 12:30pm.
Please join us for part or all of the morning and stay for lunch after the work is done. Please invite friends or others who may enjoy the day.
PLEASE RSVP to the email listed below so they can plan the meal accordingly. When you reply please let them know of any food allergies.
Address: 6832 S. Northshore Drive.
The convent is about 1 ½ miles past the Cathedral as you head toward Rocky Hill on Northshore. It is a large yellow house at the end of a driveway on the left side of the road.
Email: knoxville@almamercy.org
Please do not park on the uphill (berm) side of the driveway. You may drive to the top of the driveway, offload people and supplies, turn around and then park on the downhill side of the driveway.
Please do not park on the grass.
What to Bring:
Work gloves
Any tools or yard equipment that would help us to clean up the yard
ex: diggers, scratchers, loppers, buckets, your muscles.
If you bring your own tools, please be sure you label them well.