It is getting closer to the next March for Life trip to Washington, D.C. It is open to everyone in the Knoxville Area who believes in life. The trip will be from January 22nd - 25th and those attending will depart from Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church.
The cost to attend the event is $300 which will be broken up into 2 payments. The first due before October 25th, 2019 and the 2nd due by November 20th, 2019. Additional trip details can be found within the event form linked below.
The March for Life's vision consists of "a world where the beauty and dignity of every human life are valued and protected" and their mission is to "end abortion by uniting, educating, and mobilizing pro-life people in the public square."
To download the necessary form to attend the event, please click on the icon and choose the desired form from the list: