The Knight of Columbus Assembly 1083 will be hosting a Turkey Shoot on Saturday, November 14, 2020. Anyone that is able and meets the rules of the event may participate. 100% of the net proceeds will go to the East Tennessee Military Affairs Council HonorAir Knoxville program.
HonorAir Knoxville takes WWII, Korean and Vietnam veterans from East Tennessee to Washington, D.C. to visit the memorials built to honor their sacrifice - at no charge to the veteran. No amount of gratitude could ever repay the debt for the gift of democracy veterans gave the world. However, HonorAir Knoxville is dedicated to honoring East Tennessee World War II, Korean War and Vietnam veterans and the sacrifices they made to ensure our freedoms.
Event Details:
When: Saturday, November 14, 2020
Where: Oak Ridge Sportsmen's Association
2625 Oak Ridge Turnpike, Oak Ridge, TN 37830
Time: 9:00AM – 1:00PM
Cost per match per shooter $30.00.
Bring your own gun – 12 GA and 20 GA shotguns only.
All ammunition will be provided.
Average of the closest to the center wins the match.
Prizes will be awarded to the winner of each match.
No shotgun barrels over 30”.
No scopes on shotguns, open sights only from a standing offhand position.
No choke modifications.
Adjustable and Interchangeable chokes are accepted.
Eye and Ear protection mandatory for both shooting and observing.
COVID-19 precautions, Face masks and 6’ of social distancing are strongly recommended.
No Alcohol, Drugs, or Outside Ammunition Allowed!
Download the KofC Official Turkey Shoot Handbook:
Anyone under the age of 18 MUST be accompanied by an adult.
Bring your own gun – 12 GA and 20 GA shotguns only.
No other weapons permitted at the shoot other that the shotgun(s) used for the match.
All ammunition will be provided.
No shotgun barrels over 30”.
No scopes on shotguns, open sights only from a standing offhand position.
No choke modifications.
Adjustable and Interchangeable chokes are accepted.
Eye and Ear protection mandatory for both shooting and observing.
COVID-19 precautions, Face masks and 6’ of social distancing are strongly recommended.
All shooters will obey the commands given by the Range Master.
While others are downrange, no firearms will be allowed to be handled on the shooting line.
Range Master will inspect and insure all firearms are unloaded and safe before allowing a shooter to the line.
It the shooter’s responsibility to ensure their gun is safe to shoot.
Always treat your firearm as if it is loaded.
Always keep your firearm pointed down range.
Never put your finger on the trigger until sites are on target.
If your gun fails to fire when the trigger is pulled, handle with care, keep the muzzle pointed downrange, raise your hand and wait for the Ranger Manager.
Cost per match per shooter $30.00.
Each match will consist of 4 groups of shooters.
Each group will have not more than 12 shooters.
Each group will be named Group A – Group D
Each group will have the opportunity to shoot 4 times at 4 different targets.
Group A will proceed to the line, fire 1 round, targets will be changed, until group A has fired 4 rounds.
Groups B – D will proceed in order with same procedure as group A.
Targets will be delivered to the Judges, and the average of the closest to the center for each match will win a prize.
In the event of a tie, a shoot-off round will be held with the tied shooters each shooting 1 time. The shooter closest to the center in the shoot-off round wins the match.
Targets will be distributed to each shooter by the Cashiers.
Any target brought to the line with pre-punched holes of any kind will be disqualified!
The targets used are standard letter sized paper, which are equally spaced along target line.
The targets are placed and removed ONLY by Safety Officers.
Shooters will proceed to the line with EMPTY guns with the “action open.”
The Shell Manager will distribute one shell to each member of a group.
After firing, the Shell Manager will collect empty shells before the distribution of a new shell to the shooter.
The Judges’ decision is final!
Have fun and good luck!
