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Ancient Paper

Council News

Writer's pictureKoC Council #5207

Letter from Carl Anderson: New Supreme Knight Elected

The following is a communication from our current Supreme Knight Carl Anderson regarding the new Supreme Knight Elect:

It is my great honor and joy to announce that Deputy Supreme Knight Patrick E. Kelly has been elected to succeed me and become the 14th Supreme Knight of the Knights of Columbus.

As you may know, the by-laws of the Supreme Council require that Supreme Officers retire at the end of the month of their 70th birthday. In anticipation of my reaching that milestone later this month, the Supreme Directors are meeting virtually today and have just elected Brother Kelly as my successor, effective March 1st.

We will be truly blessed to have Patrick Kelly assume leadership of the Order. His knowledge, experience and devotion to the faith make him exceedingly well-suited to continue our mission in these challenging times. I could not be more enthusiastic about transferring my duties to Brother Kelly.

In the coming weeks, the Supreme Knight-elect and I will be working closely to ensure a smooth transition and I look forward to continuing to serve the Order and to fully support my successor as Past Supreme Knight.

When I became Supreme Knight in the year 2000, I told my brother Knights that “the best is yet to come!” Reflecting on the past twenty years, and the achievements made possible by contributions of so many Knights of Columbus leaders like you, I know I was not mistaken. Today, with equal confidence, I believe we can all still say that for the Knights of Columbus — the best is yet to come!


Carl A. Anderson

Supreme Knight

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