The Knights of Columbus Council #5207 is pleased to share that a $150 contribution will be provided again to help sponsor the Knoxville Catholic Youth Baseball program during the 2019 season and upcoming tournaments. The contributions go to help the team with the various expenses necessary to run the program.
Markus Chady, the team manager and Assistant Coach, expressed his gratitude for the contribution and was proud to share the news of the sponsorship with the team and their families. He stated, "Through my father, I fondly remember the Knights being a positive and guiding influence when I was these boys' age. I believe that continued outreach from the Knights to our future Men of the Church is a worthwhile investment."

The Knoxville Catholic Youth Baseball team are part of the Knox Youth Sports league. All of the league games will be played at Lakeshore Park and each of the teams are designated as a MLB team by the use of a replica jersey. In the case of Knoxville Catholic, they will be representing the A's which helps coordinate the color green with their school's own Irish baseball gear. During other tournaments throughout the season, the team will wear their full Irish gear when representing the school. They will also be playing in the upcoming Chris Newsom Memorial Tournament during the weekend of April 13th and 14th. We encourage everyone to come out and support Knoxville Catholic whenever they have the opportunity.

You can follow the Knoxville Catholic Youth Baseball program via their Facebook page: Irish 2028 Baseball
Below is this season's KYS league schedule: